Hit the box
Games outdoor
Players up to 30
For teenagers | For young people
Duration 20-30 minutes
Team games
A large cardboard box, a ball for each player, tape or croda to mark the playing field.
You divide the players into two teams, which are each placed in their own half of the field. In the center, a large empty cardboard box is placed on the ground.
When the game begins, the two teams will have to hit the box with balls so that it moves into the opponent's field.
After three minutes of play, the animator checks which field the box is in, then a second round is played. No one can go beyond their own half of the field, but you can pick up and use all the balls in your field, even those thrown by the opposing team.
Who win?
The team that manages to move the box into the opponent’s field.
are you looking for a treasure hunt?
We have created a ready-made printable treasure hunt. Play the game and have fun with friends at home, in your neighborhood, or in your city.
VAI AL GIOCOGiochi di gruppo simili a Hit the box
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Players up to 99+
Family oriented | For teenagers | For young people
Duration 20-30 minutes
Games with pen and paper
Games indoor | Games outdoor
Players up to 99+
For young people
Duration 20-30 minutes
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Games indoor | Games outdoor
Players up to 50
For teenagers | For young people
Duration 20-30 minutes
Description video | Team games
Games indoor | Games outdoor
Players up to 99+
For teenagers | For young people
Duration 20-30 minutes
Games with pen and paper