Create your own time capsule
Games indoor
Players up to 99+
Family oriented | For everyone | For young people
Duration 40-60 minutes
A container that will be your time capsule (a wooden box, shoe box, or jar) and any object that is meaningful to you that you would like to put in it.
What is your time capsule? It is a container prepared to store objects or information intended to be found at a future time: a real treasure chest of memories!
Building a time capsule on your own, with family or friends, is a beautiful way to get excited by taking a snapshot of the present into the future.
Choose a duration for your time capsule. Five, ten, twenty years? You decide when is the right time to open the capsule. The important thing is not to open it sooner! Mark the date so you don't forget it.
Decide where to store your time capsule. Keep it at home, in the garden or somewhere in town and mark the spot or coordinates to find it again. When you store it, do it with someone so you have a witness to remind you both of the exact location.
Choose the container to store your memories. You can use a wooden box, shoe box, or jar. If you decide to bury the capsule, use tin containers because it will stand the test of time, and try to insulate it from water.
Choose items to include. Photos, cards, journal pages, drawings, labels, books, clothes, old toys, or anything else "precious." Leave a short message for when you reopen the capsule.
Your treasure is ready! Rediscovering stored items after years will be a great thrill.
Who win?
Nobody, we play for fun.
are you looking for a treasure hunt?
We have created a ready-made printable treasure hunt. Play the game and have fun with friends at home, in your neighborhood, or in your city.
VAI AL GIOCOGiochi di gruppo simili a Create your own time capsule
Games indoor | Games outdoor
Players up to 30
For teenagers | For young people
Duration 40-60 minutes
Description video | Team games
Games indoor
Players up to 30
Family oriented | For teenagers | For young people
Duration 40-60 minutes
Games indoor | Games outdoor
Players up to 99+
For young people
Duration 40-60 minutes
Games indoor
Players up to 30
Family oriented | For teenagers | For young people
Duration 40-60 minutes
Everything you need to prepare the recipe of your choice. In case you need to cook something, a fully equipped kitchen.