Players up to 10

Lots of free games to play in groups with players up to 10.
A large archive for schools, scout groups, parishes and summer entertainers.

Lots of free games to play in groups with players up to 10.
A large archive for schools, scout groups, parishes and summer entertainers.

Jump jump

Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games

Ages 11-13, Ages 14-16, Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 10

A long rope, a ball, and a bag or net to tie the rope to the ball. The player who last gets hit by the ball.

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Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games

Ages 11-13, Ages 14-16, Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 10

A sponge ball and a plastic or nylon bag for each pair of players. Players who score the most points.

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Alphabet and balloons

Games outdoor, Group games, Team games, Water games

Age 20 and over, Ages 11-13, Ages 14-16, Ages 17-19, Duration 30-50 minutes, Family oriented, Players up to 10, Players up to 30

Water-filled balloons with a letter of the alphabet written on them. Prepare more balloons with vowels on them than consonants because players will have to use them to form words. Players divide into teams. Each team will be placed behind a starting line and have in front of them a bucket or container with water-filled balloons with letters of the alphabet written on them (one balloon one letter). When the game begins, the first player from each team will take ...

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Blows on the ball

Games indoor, Group games, Team games

Ages 6-99, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 10

Ping-pong ball. The players, divided into two playing fields, stand on either side of a table about two meters long. A ping pong ball is placed in the center, and each team tries to knock it off the board, on the side opposite their own, by blowing on it. If the ball goes out to the side, it does not count and is put back into the center by the animator. It is good to play sitting or kneeling. Variation: ...

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The challenge of the artists

Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games

Ages 11-13, Ages 6-10, Duration 30-50 minutes, Players up to 10

Sheets of paper, pencils, colored pencils, scissors. The animator prepares a bunch of cards on which he or she will write words related to animals, people and objects of uncommon and unusual use; they should be difficult subjects to depict, such as: a cornflower, a threshing machine, a lathe. The difficulty of the words chosen should be related to the age of the participants. You then divide the players into two teams. The first team will choose a player (the ...

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Triple agent

Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Smartphone games, Team games

Age 20 and over, Ages 14-16, Ages 17-19, Duration 30-50 minutes, Family oriented, For young people, Players up to 10

One smartphone. Game completely in Italian, does not require a particular predisposition to anything but fun. The graphics, original and brightly colored, are complemented by quality animations, full of twists and turns and capable of testing the acting skills of every secret agent involved. Each player is assigned a role: agent of the Service, or double agent of the VIRUS. The former, more numerous than the latter, will have to discover which spies have infiltrated their ranks, who on the ...

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A free, immersive experience to explore the city and discover the secrets that streets, buildings and monuments hide. The secret ingredients? Perspicacity and adrenaline.



Alone or in a team, even remotely, play for free and unravel the mystery by solving online puzzles and brain teasers. Use logic and be careful: clues are hiding everywhere.



A free treasure hunt you can print and play anywhere with your smartphone or tablet. Choose your playing field, place the stage sheets and start the challenge.



Check out our massive archive of free games for schools, scout groups, parishes and animators. Here you can also find games for teens, families and adults to have fun all together.




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