Don’t use your hands
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 30
A plastic or sponge ball. Nobody, we play for fun.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 30
A plastic or sponge ball. Nobody, we play for fun.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 30
Lots of paper cups. The player who first builds the pyramid of cups, putting them in the right order.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 30
One chair per player, sheets of paper and black markers. Nobody, we play for fun.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 30
Lots of colored plastic balls, small cardboard cylinders or plastic cones without the tip. The team or player who finishes the course in the shortest time.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+
Lots of plastic circles. The team that first finishes the path.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+
Lots of paper and plastic cones or whatever you can create a path with. The team that first finishes the path.