Religious activities

Lots of free religious activities to play in group, games about the catechism and religious games.
A large archive for schools, scouts, parishes and animators of summer centre.

Lots of free religious activities to play in group, games about the catechism and religious games.
A large archive for schools, scouts, parishes and animators of summer centre.

When God calls you

Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Religious activities

Ages 11-13, Ages 14-16, Ages 17-19, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 30

Chairs. Form a circle with the chairs. The players are divided like this: half are sitting on chairs in a circle, the other half standing behind each chair. Only one player (who will play God) will stand behind an empty chair. When the game begins, the player who has the role of God will have to look around and call to any of the seated players to sit in his chair, but without using his voice. He will instead use ...

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Noah’s ark

Games indoor, Games outdoor, Games with pen and paper, Group games, Religious activities

Ages 6-99, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 30

Notes or small papers, a pen, and a bag. The universal flood is coming and the animals must hurry to get on the ark in pairs, but-what happens? The animals are mixed together and can no longer find each other. Only one species will be saved: which one? In a bag the animator has previously prepared slips of paper with the names of the animals written on them, for each animal there sees to be a pair of slips. We ...

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Remember the Creed

Games indoor, Games outdoor, Games with pen and paper, Group games, Religious activities, Team games

Age 20 and over, Ages 11-13, Ages 14-16, Ages 17-19, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+

Cardboard of various colors that will be cut into strips about 3 inches wide and 30 inches long. Markers and a basket to put the cardstock strips in. You can use the Creed prayer, but also any other prayer (e.g., the Lord’s Prayer). Players should be divided into teams, sitting on the floor with their legs crossed in parallel rows. At the head of each row is seated an entertainer. The principle of the game is that of the wireless ...

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Who wants to be poor?

Games indoor, Games outdoor, Games with pen and paper, Group games, Religious activities, Team games

Age 20 and over, Ages 11-13, Ages 14-16, Ages 17-19, Ages 6-10, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 10, Players up to 30, Players up to 50

A bible, pen and paper. The players are divided into teams, each team nominates its own representative who will answer the questions. The representative will also serve as a “bell ringer”. When one of the players of the team knows the answer he will touch the “bell” and this one, after making a sound with his mouth (e.g. everyone shouts a letter) can give the answer. Each correct answer will be awarded: 10 points if it is difficult, 5 points ...

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The Ten Commandments

Games indoor, Group games, Religious activities

Ages 6-99, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+

Colored poster board, markers, glue and colored markers. Each player or pair of players is given a colored poster board. On each poster board, in a different color, is written one of the Ten Commandments. Players must explain in their own words the meaning of the commandment they received, using drawings and phrases. At the end of the game each person reads and explains their work to the others. All posters produced can also be hung inside the room where ...

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The Prayer Game

Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Religious activities, Team games

Ages 11-13, Ages 6-10, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 30

One or more baskets where you can put the strips of cardstock. Cardboard also of various colors that will be cut about 3 centimeters wide and about 30 centimeters long where you will write the phrases of the prayer. Markers for writing on cardboard. The game takes place both indoors and outdoors, you don’t need to introduce a story, just prepare the players by choosing the prayer you want to play with. The prayer of the “The Profession of Faith” ...

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A free, immersive experience to explore the city and discover the secrets that streets, buildings and monuments hide. The secret ingredients? Perspicacity and adrenaline.



Alone or in a team, even remotely, play for free and unravel the mystery by solving online puzzles and brain teasers. Use logic and be careful: clues are hiding everywhere.



A free treasure hunt you can print and play anywhere with your smartphone or tablet. Choose your playing field, place the stage sheets and start the challenge.



Check out our massive archive of free games for schools, scout groups, parishes and animators. Here you can also find games for teens, families and adults to have fun all together.




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