Change your t-shirt
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games
Ages 6-99, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+
A large t-shirt for every team. The team that first finishes the path.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games
Ages 6-99, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+
A large t-shirt for every team. The team that first finishes the path.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+
Lots of plastic circles. The team that first finishes the path.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+
Lots of paper and plastic cones or whatever you can create a path with. The team that first finishes the path.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games
Ages 6-99, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+
One balloon per team. The team that last drops the balloon on the ground.
Games indoor, Group games
Ages 6-10, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+
Lots of balloons and permanent markers. Nobody, we play for fun.
Games indoor, Games outdoor, Group games, Team games
Age 20 and over, Ages 11-13, Ages 14-16, Ages 17-19, Description video, Duration 10-20 minutes, Players up to 99+
A piece of cloth or a sheet closed to form a circle. The team that finishes the route first.