Move the circle
Games indoor | Games outdoor
Players up to 30
For children | For teenagers
Duration 20-30 minutes
Description video | Team games
Two plastic hoops and a stick (such as a broom handle) for each team.
Who win?
The team that finishes the course first.
are you looking for a treasure hunt?
We have created a ready-made printable treasure hunt. Play the game and have fun with friends at home, in your neighborhood, or in your city.
VAI AL GIOCOGiochi di gruppo simili a Move the circle
Games indoor | Games outdoor
Players up to 99+
For teenagers | For young people
Duration 20-30 minutes
Drinking games | No equipment
Games indoor | Games outdoor
Players up to 50
For teenagers | For young people
Duration 20-30 minutes
Description video | Team games
Games indoor
Players up to 50
Family oriented | For teenagers | For young people
Duration 20-30 minutes
Games with pen and paper | Team games